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Choosing the right technical parameters for publishing your book

Continuing the theme of how the book publishing process works, let's talk about the choice of technical parameters for a book.

When starting a new book, these are the most important factors to understand how the book will look and cost. Book covers, size, number of pages – these and other aspects are primary when starting the process of publishing your book.

Here's a look at the technical parameters of book publishing and how to choose which ones are right for your book.

1. Hardcover or paperback

The choice of cover will determine the longevity of the book, but the cover will also give the overall feel of the book, as well as determining the comfort of reading it. Admittedly, some people find paperbacks more comfortable than hardcovers. This means that the choice of cover should be entirely up to the author, but in cases where the book is to be used heavily, frequently and for long periods of time, we recommend hardcovers. Also, if the book has a prestigious or presentational value, it is recommended to bind it in hardcover. A paperback, on the other hand, will be cheaper, more comfortable and easier to carry; the book will be flexible and light.

In addition to hardcovers and paperbacks, the following binding options are also possible:

  • Spiral binding – the pages can be spiral bound in different materials and colours. More suitable for academic works or technical literature.

  • Stitched book – ideal for bookbinding of thin books – children's colouring books, brochures, catalogues, concert programmes, etc.

  • Book with a dust jacket – the hardcover book can also have a dust jacket (paper covers), which gives it a particularly elegant look and also serves a practical purpose.

  • Book with flaps – makes the paperback book more presentable and the book covers sturdier.

2. Book format/size

The classic book format is A5 – 148 x 210 millimetres. This is the format used for most novels, short story collections, memoirs and other books. Poetry books tend to be in the narrower format of 130 x 210 mm, while children's books or books with lots of pictures usually need a larger format.

In general, the size of a book is determined by its content and purpose, and it is up to the author to choose what it should be.

3. Black and white or coloured pages, their thickness

The thickness of the pages depends mainly on the purpose of the book and the number of pages. For example, for a thick book containing only text, thin pages of 80–90 g/m2 will be suitable, whereas for poetry, picture books or books with a small number of pages, thicker pages of 115–120 g/m will be better, and for children's books 150 g/m2.

Whether black and white or coloured pages are required is largely determined by whether the book uses photographs, drawings, coloured tables or other images that require colour to print. If the book contains only text or is accompanied by black and white graphic images, then printing can only take place in the black and white colour palette.

4. Sewn or glued pages

In most cases, sewn pages are chosen for hardcover books, while glued pages are the choice for paperback books. Of course, there is also the option of sewn pages in paperback – this can be done if you don't want the 'heft' of hardcover, but want a book with increased durability during use.

  • The base for the sewn pages is made from sheets that are the size of the opening of the book, e.g. if the pages are A4, then A3 sheets of paper sewn together into a thin pad are used as the base; these pads are then used to make the book as a whole. This is why the number of pages in a sewn book should always be divided by 4 – because that is the number of pages that make up one sheet of a sewn book.

  • The pages of the glued sheets are exactly the size of one page. They are glued together by coating one side of the entire book block with the highest strength glue – PUR.

5. Book print run

The book's print run is entirely at the discretion of the author. If you only want your family and closest friends to receive copies of your book, then a print run of 50 copies might be enough. If you are planning that your acquaintances and perhaps someone you don't know will also want to read your book, then it is worth considering a print run of 100 copies. If you want your book to be on the shelves and you expect it to be well received, then you should also consider a print run of 300–500 copies.

If you are in doubt about any of these technical aspects, you can always consult the professionals in our team – we will always advise you on the most appropriate one for your situation and your wishes for your book.

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