Everything for your book
We offer all the necessary services to publish your book

Our services
To publish a book, we first agree with the author on the work to be done. After all, not all the services offered by the publishing house may be necessary. Therefore, it is up to the author to choose what work we will perform in order to carry out his/her book project.
Editing and proofreading
If you have written the text of a book, you have, in principle, a finished manuscript. However, no matter how many times the author has re-read, corrected and edited the text himself, it is always advisable to have it in the hands of a specialist before printing it in a book.
To edit the texts of our books, we use specialists in the literary field who carefully go through each manuscript. A proofreader will deal with unintentional and stylistic errors in the text and put commas neatly in order, and correct spelling mistakes, arranging your manuscript according to all the rules of punctuation and orthography. Editing, on the other hand, will go deeper into the text of the book, working with the text for its essence and content.
If the text you want to publish in a book is handwritten rather than computer typed, we can also offer our help. A professional transcriber will carefully and accurately transfer the handwritten text into the computer format required for the manuscript.
Book design
We design the book based on the author's wishes and ideas, but also offer our own ideas and vision if necessary.
Each book cover is designed by a professional artist. We usually offer the author several options from which the author can choose the one he/she likes best.
We are happy to accept the author's ideas, as well as prepared materials (e.g. drawings, pictures, photographs) to be used for the cover design, and preferences regarding the colour tones and typefaces (fonts) to be used.
Once the cover design is ready and agreed on with the author of the book, we also create it as a print file – so that it meets the books printing office's exact requirements.
Cover design, formatting
Creating the layout of the pages
We offer a unique, professional layout for each book. Our layout designer can create a variety of layout options from which the author of the book will be able to choose the one that suits his/her preferences. We can also incorporate the author's wishes and ideas into the layout, as well as the visual materials prepared.
We ensure that the layout of each book will be created in accordance with all printing requirements, taking into account the specifics of the printing house and, most importantly, ensuring a beautiful end result.
Book illustration
If you have written a children's book or any other work that needs illustrations, we will be happy to take care of them for you! We'll find the illustrations that suit the author's needs, the idea of the book and the overall style, and they'll be designed by professional artists.
ISBN code or barcode
ISBNs are assigned to both traditional and electronic monograph-type publications – books, pamphlets, collections of articles, maps, etc. Each format (hardcover/paperback, PDF, ePUB, etc.) must use its own ISBN. Usually, ISBN assignment is a paid service, but our publishing house does not charge authors any additional fee.
The ISBN code is usually displayed both on the book's so-called info page and on the back cover. Each unique code is provided by the National Library of Latvia and its assignment means that the book is registered as an officially published book and that seven copies of the book (according to the Cabinet Regulations) must be delivered to the National Library of Latvia archives and collections department.
We offer book printing both in the classical offset technology and in digital printing.
Offset printing is available for print runs of more than 500 books, and digital printing is recommended even if you only want one book. There will be no difference in quality, and in either case, the book will be printed at the highest quality standards.
Digital book printing is an environmentally friendly production, as its basic idea is to print books on demand. In the West, this is a well-known expression – Print on Demand. Digital book printing consumes exactly as many resources (paper, ink, electricity, packaging, etc.) as required, without creating waste. Books are printed on large professional printers, which are often part of one large technological chain (printing, collating, cutting, stitching, binding, bookbinding, etc.).
Screen printing is also available for printing on fabrics, faux leather, paper of different textures and surfaces, as well as other materials to be used in the production of a book.
If an author chooses to have a large print run and wants to get his book on the shelves, we can help with the distribution of the book to various outlets. We have distribution agreements with the retail chains Jānis Roze, Globuss and the wholesale company Latvijas grāmata.
We can also offer distribution through, an online shop for books published in Latvia. All books by our authors can be offered to readers via the online shop at no extra charge.
We receive books directly from the printing office to our office and warehouse in Cēsis. We deliver as many books as required to the retail chains, and those that need to be stored, we place in our warehouse – in a warm, dry and safe place. This makes them easily accessible at any time, both for our authors and for us.
Advertising and marketing
If an author is sure that he/she wants to not only get the book on the shelves, but also advertise it well to attract as many potential buyers as possible, we will be happy to also help with that! Thanks to social media activity, the book will be noticed and people will pay attention to it. Alongside advertising, we also offer additional marketing support in the form of various print works:
promotional postcards, postcards with the image of the book;
bookmarks with the visual design of the book;
special packaging for the book;
banner printing in shops near the "New books" section.
Once created, the e-book can be read on all electronic devices that support the use of e-books. It should be noted that e-books are in EPUB (electronic publication) format and without technical file protection, so they can be read on any electronic device with a screen. By creating an e-book, the author can be sure that the book will be accessible to all those who prefer to read books on devices.
Audio book
Audio books will help each author's work reach a wider readership/listenership. Audio books can be listened to when it is not possible to read a physical book – on the move, doing physical work, cooking, etc. This is why more and more people are choosing to "read" their books in audio format, saving time and combining the enjoyable with the useful.
Audio books are recorded in MP3 format by professional voice actors with extensive experience in creating audio books.
The prices for creating audio books depend on the size of the book and we prepare a special offer for each specific case!