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Questions and answers

Answers to questions about preparing, publishing and distributing your book


Frequently asked questions

In this section, we have compiled the questions we receive most frequently from authors. If you don't find the answer to your question, write to us!

  • How to sell your book?
    We are often asked: How do I sell my book? How to market it and make it known to as many readers as possible? Our advice would be to make sure that you take care of spreading the word yourself – using all possible social networks. Nowadays it is an invaluable tool for sharing information. And your friends and acquaintances will certainly be among the first readers. If they leave a comment or a review about the book – all the better! This will help promote the book in the future. If you don't want to distribute the book yourself, you can entrust it to us! Our partner is the largest online bookstore in Latvia – In cooperation with this online bookstore, we ensure that your book can be purchased by everyone in Latvia and Europe. ensures convenient and fast delivery! If you are interested in this service, please contact us at and we will definitely help you!
  • How much does it cost to print one book?
    The price per copy is approximately EUR 3 to 10 + VAT and upwards per book. The price is determined by a number of variables that depend on your preferences as an author: the print run, the format you choose for the book, the number of pages, whether there will be colour pictures or just text, the post-processing of the book – whether you want gold foil on the cover or a partial UV varnish coating, etc. The price of the book may increase if you want a hardcover. A cheaper option is a hardcover book, but with PUR-glued pages – the same durability as with stitch bound pages! If you would like to know the exact price, contact
  • Where do I start if I want to publish a book?
    If you already have a finished work, send it to and we will take a look and tell you how much it would cost to print it. If you are interested, we will also give you the cost of layout, cover design, text editing and proofreading. Once everything is agreed, we can start work on the book. The whole process usually takes on average three to six weeks (depending on what work needs to be done) until you receive the finished book.
  • Can anyone help me with editing and proofreading?
    Yes, the book publishing house also provides such help. We have professional proofreaders who will work with the text of the book and proofread and/or edit it as necessary. This is not a service that is included in the printing price of the book, so we will negotiate its cost separately.
  • Can you print the book if I have a print file ready?
    Yes, we print books from prepared print files. These must be saved in PDF format with separate pages and a separate cover file.
  • Can I suggest my own cover design?
    Yes, if you have your own book cover, we will be happy to use it in the printing of the book. If any corrections are needed to get the design ready for print, we will contact you to discuss this.
  • How quickly can you print a book?
    Depending on the technical parameters, the print run and the book printing office's workload, it takes about three to four weeks to print a book. This is if the files sent are ready for printing. If you also need to layout the book or design the cover, the printing time will be longer.
  • Can you publish a small number of books?
    Yes, we can print books in single copies if necessary. We often publish books in editions of 10 or 20 copies.
  • Can you also publish photobooks?
    Yes, we can also prepare and print photobooks where all pages are in colour. In these cases we recommend a hardcover.
  • Do you also produce hardcover stitch bound books?
    Yes, we also produce hardcover books with stitch bound pages. The print runs of these books can also be small – as necessary. The average hardcover print run we recommend for an optimum quote is around 50 to 100 books. But we can also produce a smaller number of books – 10 or 20 – if necessary.
  • Are there any restrictions on the format of the book?
    The smallest book size we have printed is A6 (105 x 148 mm) and the largest is A4 (210 x 297 mm). We can also produce books in special, non-standard sizes. Special book sizes must be negotiated separately.
  • How thick can you make books?
    There is no limit to the number of pages. We have also produced books of 1000 pages. The thinnest book that can be glued together is about 40 pages. For smaller books we recommend stapling. For hardcover books, the minimum page count is 40 pages.
  • Can I also order an additional print run for a once-published book?
    Yes, you can always order a reprint of your book. Again, there is no limit to the number of books. You can order 10, 50 or 100 books – as many as are necessary. We will print a reprint as soon as possible.
  • On what paper are the books printed?
    By default, we choose white uncoated offset paper. This is either Amber Graphic 80 g or Serixo 80 g. But we can also print the book on cream-coloured paper – like Munken Print Cream 80 g or Scandia 2000 Ivory 90 g. The choice of paper is up to the customer.
  • How do I submit my work?
    You can send your work to For larger volumes, we recommend using, a website where it is easy and simple to upload files. Include the file access code in your description.
  • Can you create a book cover from my drawings?
    We can use only your drawings for the cover, or we can add our own ideas. Preferably, the drawings should be scanned – converted into files that we can use for the cover layout. If necessary, we can also process the scanned images.
  • What is a PDF file?
    PDF stands for Portable Document Format, a document format that allows information to be exchanged between different computer systems, regardless of software. To create PDF files, download free software from Adobe:
  • What is an ISBN code?
    ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique identifier for books and other publications used in trade, library systems and catalogues. ISBN codes are assigned to both traditional and electronic monograph-type publications – books, pamphlets, collections of articles, maps, etc. Each format (hardcover/paperback, PDF, ePUB, etc.) must use its own ISBN barcode.
  • Do you produce e-books? What is an EPUB e-book file?
    EPUB is an electronic book file format used for reading electronic books. It is derived from the English words electronic publication. It is sometimes abbreviated or simplified to ePub. EPUB files are among the most widely used and popular on various electronic devices. If the book is in EPUB format, you can be sure that it will be read and downloaded by users of popular sites such as B&N Nook, Kobo eReader, Apple Books app and Amazon Kindle. Our publishing house also offers this service. We will convert your book to EPUB format and you can be sure that all eBook users will be able to read it. The cost of preparing such a file depends on the size of the book (number of pages), so please contact for a specific price.
  • Can I send a book to another country directly from the publisher to my friends abroad?
    Yes, you can send printed books to whomever you wish. We will tell you how much it will cost and it will be your choice on which delivery service to choose.
How to prepare a print file yourself

Click on the PDF icon and download this tutorial (PDF file)!


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