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Create your own book!

We'll help you make your book dream come true!

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Publishing services

Since 2015, we have consistently ranked among the top 10 publishing houses in Latvia and have assisted more than 500 authors in publishing their works. Our mission is to provide a full publishing service for both new and established authors. Our advantages are individual solutions and a personal approach to each author and cooperation partner. Working with us, you will realise that publishing a book can be an interesting and enjoyable process.

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Every day we make a dream come true, or are on the way to do so. We like to share and talk about some of the highlights in this adventure in our News section.

I didn't think that publishing a book could be such a quick, easy and really enjoyable and stress-free process. The kind, professional and constructive support of the publishing house staff helps even a complete beginner to realise their dream of publishing their own book. My sincere gratitude to the great team of the publishing house!

Ieva Lapsa

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Cēsis: Raiņa iela 25, Cēsis, LV-4101

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Tel.  (+) 371 22 813 744

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